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We have chosen to use the production ready tBTC-v2 (summa / keep-network) relay contracts and supporting libraries to support the initial development of the BOB stack. The contracts are already well-optimized for gas consumption and have been used on mainnet Ethereum for quite some time.

A specific advantage of using the Simple Payment Verification (SPV) "Light Relay" developed for tBTC is that we do not need to store all block headers from the genesis / initialization height. It uses stateless SPV proofs and provides some recency guarantee using Bitcoin's difficulty adjustment based on the latest retarget.

How does it work?

  • The light relay is initialized to the beginning of a difficulty period (epoch)
  • A "maintainer" submits proofLength block headers before and after the retarget
  • The relay validates the chain and updates the expected difficulty for blocks in that epoch
  • A user can then submit a transaction proof in that or the last period
    • Requires header chain of at least txProofDifficultyFactor


There was only one issue highlighted in the Least Authority audit related to the SPV client which was also identified in the interBTC (Substrate / Polkadot) code here. We can solve this issue by checking the coinbase proof as was implemented there. Since BOB will be deployed as a rollup we can make some tradeoffs with regard to gas consumption.

Using the relay

  • To check the inclusion of a specific transaction, the BitcoinTx.validateProof function can be used. See test/LightRelay.t.sol for an example.
  • BitcoinTx.getTxOutputValue can be be used to check the amount transfered to a specific address in a given txOut. See test/BitcoinTx.t.sol for an example.